Welcome to Highest Harmony Healing & Coaching!

If you have ever felt as though something just has to change, or you really want something to get better in life, or you long to feel fulfilled and happy, or your health just needs HELP, then I know just how you feel.  So many challenges have faced me in life, and I have found that every single challenge I have ever dealt with has helped me help my clients.  PLEASE don’t give up!

The peace, love, joy, and fulfillment you seek in life is on its way – that’s HARMONY.  The pure potential of the Universe finds its fulfillment in you and your life when we bring in more love and healing. Please call or email today, and we will schedule an appointment to empower you to heal yourself and achieve your dreams – spiritual, career, health, and relationship goals.  Universal Harmony Awaits!

Rev. Carol E. “Anandi” Richardson, M.Div., MPH

